I do not feel like writing that much today,
But I feel it already took me too long and I owe you guys out there some kind of response towards my previous post "Purpose in Life".
Well, let's take it one at a time and maybe if I wasn't satisfied with what I write now I might add to it later.
Let's start by the short term aims in my life:
1) Keep up the good work at my company and try to improve upon it by increasing my personal status.
2) Getting engaged soon to my lovely girlfriend (which I'm with now for around 5 years)
I'll start with work, since I believe it's the easiest part to deal with. It's not easy, but it's the easiest amongst the two.
What can I say concerning work? Well, here's my take on work as a generality: The bigger the effort the more experience and exposure you get to improve upon yourself, therefore using it to improve upon your work.
I started my journey by accomplishing my tasks and improving them to reach maximum efficiency. Later on I expanded my activities by meeting as many people as I can who are related to my field of work and expanded my contact list later on to different business man from different fields. My next step, is registering at a university (which I almost completed) for my Masters Degree in Marketing at the
Out of that, I'll gain both a masters degree and the far-most benefit of course would be the contacts, which I'll gain. For, the majority of the people enlisted in this program are highly ranked executives from major companies in
The dilemma stands however in the fact that I'll be having lots to do and it will be real hard on me. (Working during day time, going to university at night, and studying on the week-ends… Oof! Tired by just mentioning them)
Here comes the real dilemma I’m in: getting engaged this summer to my girlfriend.
Why is it a dilemma? I love her, she loves me, and we’re a happy family… Hehehe…
No seriously, the dilemma lies in the past mistakes (if I may call them that) which I’ve made towards her during our relationship. Now, I admit I changed and I’m never going there, and I do admit that she’s starting to realize the change and the effort I’ve accomplished. However, up-till now I’m not so sure of one thing: what will be her reaction when I actually propose and we are really going to take that step? You see, I’m not convinced that she’s over all of what we’ve been trough. Even tough we’ve discussed the matter of getting engaged not two/three weeks ago and her opinion was positive (which delighted me a lot) I could not see the enthusiasm I was expecting in her eyes when I asked her opinion. I felt that a big part of her is still afraid of what the future is holding for us and what if the past hasn’t completely faded and it rose up again upon the surface later on. I think she needs more time to feel more comfortable towards herself and my new attitude. I think I need to constantly remind her, by my actions not words, that I’m never going back and I think that I love her too much to let her slip away.
It’s hard, you know?
As I stated earlier in “The Myth of Love (Part I)”, love needs a lot of work but eventually it’s worth it. My baby is worth every bit of it.
But the dilemma stands: what to do in order for me to be sure?
My only answer is simply, take my chances soon and go for it. Deal with all the arrangements left to deal with and pop the question at the right time. (Hopefully, next August 2005 when we meet up in
As for now, I need to keep my head up high and take care of my job and personal responsibilities towards myself and towards her, and the future will be near to decide which road will I be taking.
As for mid-term purposes:
1) I guess getting my EMBA degree and hopefully reaching a new level in my business.
2) And, if things work out this summer, getting married to my girlfriend.
As for long-term puposes:
1) Well, I’ll state them when long-term becomes short and my situation differs. But one thing is certain, I will be the best I can be and try to deal with any situation that might face me with faith and belief as I do right now.
My best wishes to all of you out there no matter your purposes and how hard they seem to be. Each task with time becomes easy, so don’t let go, grab the moment when it occurs, keep the faith in God and in your selves, and things will just flow naturally. Surprisingly enough, you’ll get where you wanted. “God works in mysterious ways”, so don’t give up if you did not get what you wanted at a certain time. With faith alone, you’ll get what He will offer, and believe me it would be even better than what you once asked for and couldn’t get.
Wish me luck you guys.
Thank you..
Keep in Touch..
P.S: "God has created mankind to worship him"
I recently found out the meaning of this phrase thanks to my dear friend Belal (man I owe you a lot for such a deep explanation, you're the best)
Let's emphasise on the word "worship".
Worship has a lot of meanings and it does not stand only for the obvious meaning of prayers and religous attitudes.
God trough all of his messengers (Moses, Christ, Mohammed..) explained to us the true meaning of that word:
When you're working an honest work and providing for yourself or your familly, you're worshiping.
When you sustain from vice and sin you're worshiping. (stealling, killing, blaspheming, cursing, hurting others, self-torture..)
When you get married you're worshipping.
When you help others trough rough times, you're worshiping.
When you can't help and you offer a smile to someone going trough rough time you're worshipping.
When you aim to be a better person within yourself and amongst others, you're worshiping.
Eventually, we realise that when God has created us, he aimed to offer us a life free from guilt, frustration, sadness, and any bad experience human kind might go trough. HE invited us simply to try to take a certain road for us to live a happy life. Doing that alone means that we are worshiping him. For God's religions were not put upon this earth but for one reason: guiding us trough life and helping us trough hard times, not complicating our lives. So if you do feel that religion is complicated and it's affecting your life negatively, take a step back, breath, and look at the big picture. Your eyes and mind are a blessing, use them wisely.
"En aradta maarifat ni'mat Ellah aalayk, Faghmed aaynayk"
"If you wanted to know God's blessings upon you, close your eyes"
(Meaning: if you cannot see what God offered you then you are blind. Just open up and SEE the beauties around you, you'll realise it by your own self)
My advice, try meditating in front of a beach or at the top of a mountain and check out the beauties lying there and let your mind flow into the world's wonders.
(I was offered this advice also by my friend Belal. Trust me, it works)
First, I totally agree with you that worship can be the little things we do in every day life.
Second, you wrote: "Eventually, we realise that when God has created us, he aimed to offer us a life free from guilt, frustration, sadness, and any bad experience human kind might go trough. HE invited us simply to try to take a certain road for us to live a happy life."
I'm a bit confused. On one hand, living for God isn't easy, and it is by no means 'pain-free,' but Jesus said his yoke is easy and His burden is light. Another opinion I read earlier this morning is that Jesus didn't come to save us from our pain, but to make our pain, when we have it, like His. Is relief (when we get to Heaven) from pain what we're saved from, or is it our sin? It's the later in my view. You mentioned the guilt (implying sin) that we're saved from, but it seems that you place more of an emphasis on God wanting us to be happy.
Is to acknowledge God primarily for giving us a chance for joy a selfish view? We love the gifts, but shouldn't we love the Giver more? I'm afraid I love the Giver because of His gifts sometimes.
I'm sorry. I've gotten into a terrible habbit of responding to ONLY the things in a post that intrigue me rather than the post's main direction as a whole. Thanks for the reminder. I need to keep my brain in check. :)
Fwogg- you may completely dismiss my previous comment, it didn't contribute to what your post was primarily about.
Nothing will be dissmissed Erin,
"Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.." hehehe..
Well actually, I was intrigued in one perspective of what you wrote in the first paragraph, and it is an example I would like to keep to further more prove my point.. So if you don't mind, can I keep it? Huh? Oh please oh please oh pleasssssssseee.. Hehehe..
Now let's be serious for a while..
You see Erin, you have given me the perfect example of what I stated in my previous post about the multiple questions of dought one asks when faced with the subject of religion, life and its mystery.. That's the essence of faith.. To wonder about religion and try to understand it's aspects but keeping the faith non-the-less..
As about your multiple questions and my opinion about what you've stated.. Well, sincerely I couldn't really make out exactly what were you wondering about but anyway here's something to help us all when in doubt which I've forgot to state in my post:
You see one very important aspect which people tend to neglect is that God has offered us happiness in many ways represented in two major aspects:
1) Happiness in life, which is represented trough the material and spiritual satisfaction.
2) Relief in death, which sets our souls free from the burden of our bodies.
You see when you are going trough life you can look at any aspect in a negative or positive way.. For example, You can either say why is it a sin for me to lust and make love, I never mean any harm? Why do I have that instinct guiding me in one way and my God directs me to another.. That is soooooo.. unfair.. Or you can simply view it in a way that God, in order to ease the burden of physical desire, have not only given us a method, a mean which is marriage to fulfill our biological needs but he has even blessed it and accomodated it to fit in our lives offering us a partner to share our journey.. Now that's a physical happiness aspect (have you noticed tough how long physical or material happiness lasts for?)
Let's view the same example but in the spiritual aspect: I feel tormentend deep inside of lust and guilt for my desires.. I need to be set free and I know it will only make me happy and will relax my temper.. God has given us many forms of beauty and has offered us nature as his temple to contemplate and help us troughout our toments by easing the tortures that lies within us.. No matter how angry, sad, tired you are, step outside and expand your vision: what do you see? what do you feel? How do you feel after a certain time? (How long does this spiritual satisfaction lasts for?)
On top of all that, just going trough that experience or any similar one where you chose spiritual satisfaction on account of the physical desire, which already is by itself a reward of a higher degree with greater effects upon your state, you have taken a step towards God and the heavens above.
Imagine, just imagine the beauty of God and his religion: he guides you to the better life, he shows you the multiple ways of going trough something, he offers you what's best for you as a human being and as an individual and for nothing, for free, just go ahead and take it. And when you do take it, without even thanking him, it's considered a virtue and he offers you for it heavens. Now thanking him for it by praying, that's a different issue which will be rewarded by itself as a different act on it's own.
Can you see it now? Can you really really SEE it?
Wow, I can and it's beautifull..
Join in.. Have a look..
Thank you for your comments..
Keep in Touch..
WOW! What a wonderful reply comment, O! I'm sorry it was so hard to decifer what I was really asking amidst my confusion. What I'm wondering now is why you appreciate/love God.
You confuse me; that's what I wrote.
Also, best wishes w/your gf this summer. She's very beautiful.
Well it's simple Erin,
After all which I explained about his offerings and his blessings upon us and the Love he gives mankind.. It's hard for me not to love him for that..
When you love, you trust.. When you trust, you believe.. When you believe your soul rises upon material gains or losses in this life, and trust in the higher reasons, which you might not understand fully during your lifetime but you will be able to accept them and keep the faith and your hopes up for later..
I hope it's clear now..
I also thank you Al on my behalf for sharing your view,
You know, for almost a year or so I have passed trough a phase where I lost all kinds of belief and religious aspect.. My frustration towards different events which occured all at once killed the love inside me for some time and I lost my convictions towards life's balance and the fairness of God towards mankind.. Being God, a figure of perfection, of love and fairness, if he were to be present, why would he just take away all that he did back then? My conclusion to that dilemma was that he mustn't have existed or else things would've worken out much better and non of what happenned would've taken place..
Now I differe completely with all that.. I do believe and I even can see the good in what seemed to be so bad back then.. I believe and love again..
I'm not trying to affect your principles Al, I'm not trying to grasp you towards my beliefs.. After all, belief is a choice that no one can force upon anyone..
I shared this with you to tell you that, don't worry, even if I do believe right now, I know what you're going trough.. Even if it were only for a short period, even if it were maybe not to the same exact case or scenario, I understand cause I felt what you stated and I believed in what you said for a while..
All I can say is this buddy, hold on.. Believe what you may, but hold on and aim to the best you'll get but the best..
As for my personal wishes, I wish you would be able to see what I see, and I mean it as a sincere outcome cause I know the effects that it did upon me, maybe, just maybe, it might do the same to you..
Take care..
Thanks for your comments all of you guys..
Keep in Touch..
Thanks for your complements and your wishes Erin,
You made me blush :)
However, concerning my girfriend, she is beautiful in every sence of the word.. inside out..
Thanks again :)
Keep in Touch..
It seems that I'm here a little late in the game but...
I've grown up a Christian, and have never experienced the kind of rebellion from God that I've heard about here. In some ways this perhaps is not a good thing for me. I have heard it said that if one has not rebelled against God, one has not encountered Him. Not that I haven't rebelled. Nobody can say that. I think it simply terrifies me in a childish way to even doubt that God is supreme--the creator and sustainer of all things.
I must say that I have (dare I say this) an innate niavette scale which allows me to merely believe. The fear and love of God is so strong that I would almost be afraid that a thunderbolt might come strike me down should I dare question God and His workings. He is so wonderful! How could I? I am no theologian, so I won't go any farther than that.
Thank you Fwogg for this post--very thought provoking. Every time I think of what we lost at the fall, I long for a restoration of the same. To fully, purely, absolutely worship God in every action, word, thought.
Thank you Rebekah for your lovely comment,
As for being in doubt concerning the existence or the supremacy of God, this is something of extreme measure, which a person resorts to once he/she goes trough extreme dissapointments in life (in my case the death of my cousin, my best friend at the age of 19, in a car accident, losing my girlfriend at the same time, and having so many problems at home plus college during 6 months of hell).. I wish upon no one the traumas that I've passed trough.. I really don't, but I find it really reasonable and understandable the fact that, after going trough all that myself, someone might lose faith for a certain period of time or even turn completely atheist.. I do no agree upon that but I do understand..
It's hard to get over such senarios trough life unless you get a source of love and support to get you passed your self-involvement in the cruelty of life you personally go trough.. I did have my own, and I was helped trough the hard times and still it took me a lot of effort to reach where I reached right now..
I wish upon everyone to find happiness in their lives and no one to lose that special feeling which eliminates all sources of good deep inside..
Keep the struggle going you guys.. You are worth fighting for.. Each of you out there is worth fighting for.. Remember that and remind yourselves of that.. You can make it..
Thanks for your comments..
Keep in Touch..
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