Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Try This Test

I never knew that "Running with the bulls" is an extreme sport..
I always viewed it as an event I would like to try, but never as that extreme..
Anyways, it was the result of my test.. :(
Come on try the link below and test yourself..

You Should Try Running with the Bulls

Exhilarating, but not as dangerous as it might seem.
You're more likely to get crushed by a person than a bull!


La*Oriente said...

Oh boy! I have seen a Running with the Bulls event, and though most of the time people do present the biggest danger (like it said), when a bull gets angered it becomes far more dangerous than fleeing people. Fun? Maybe, but not exactly my first choice :)

Crystal said...

I did take this little test and see my blog but it said I should try ice climbing. Something I was actually just pondering the other day, thinking that I wasn't sure I would have the guts to try it and then there it was again on the test. Pretty funny...not really sure I am quite up for that really. I would much rather try skydiving or hang gliding or something along those lines...hummm...that doesn't sound very smart does it??? I am not sure I want to try ice climbing but I want to jump out of an airplane...ok so no one ever said I was exactly rational all the time!

DaFwogg (OmaReina) said...

Yeah i know what u mean.. 90% of the times when I take one of the online tests (personality, lovelife, whatever..) they always seem to give in results which I never expect.. Never trust in them..
However they're a nice way to kill some time on those loooooong lonely days :)
Happy to hear from you..
It has been a while..
Keep in touch..

Crystal said...

Thanks Fwogg...you are right it has been a while but I have been doing things and you can read all about them on my blog. I will try and visit more often as time permits.

Crystal said...

You know the more I think about running with the bulls the stupider it sounds. I have seen it on TV and why in the world you would put yourself not only at the mercy of stampeeding bulls but also thousands of crazy, drunk people I will never quite understand.
Some of the sports that have come up from this quiz I have never even heard of...must live a sheltered life. LOL :-)

DaFwogg (OmaReina) said...

Hey there Alistair,
Nice to see an old blog buddy keeping in touch..
I was extremely busy recently and today only I openned my blogspot to post a new paragraph.. hope you like it..
Keep in Touch..