Yes, I did dare say it..
Have you noticed how many people are extremely afraid of that word. Someone is dead and the last word you hear (that is if you heard it) is death:
"He passed away", "He's in God's hands now", "He's resting in peace", "He left this world", "He is in heaven now".. And the list goes on..
What is so scary about death? Why are people so afraid of it that they wouldn't even consider stating the word itself?
Imagine the opposite situation: someone survived an accident, the first thing you would hear is "he's still alive".. That's also a fact as much as death is, why is it much easier to state and talk about.
Well, I know that dying is sad cause it leads to physical seperation but why can't we be happy for the fact that: "He was a good person, I'm sure that in his after-life he shall be rewarded".
But no, that's not just the case is it? It's that when someone dies it reminds every idividual of his inescapable destiny which can come at any moment. Still why is it that scary?
Come on.. Give me your opinion..
Fess up.. May we all "rest in peace" in life and death..
Maybe it's not the death that's as scary as the unknown. The fear that this life is all there might be.
Just a thoughts.
I think for me it would be the removal of any second chances. While alive there is always the hope that something might change, or to be even more simple - there is always hope. Death is so very final (for those still left on earth that is :).
Why is death scary? Like Joshua said, it's "very final." If a person has a world view that includes an afterlife that is attainable depending on a person's actions, uncertainty will undoubtedly set in. Phrases like "perhaps Allah will be merciful" or the rules of a person's good outweighing their bad won't give them peace - they have fear of what is on the other end.
There is a fear of dying that I would think is a secondary fear, since it is temporary.
Eternity is bound up in our hearts, and it's a fearful thing to pass from one realm to another.
Flygirl and Joshua: I thank you for your comments and welcome you to my blog since it's your first comment (not sure if it's your first visit)
Flygirl: To reply to what you say I have only one answer.. Faith and belief in God and the afterlife are the only confort we have to face the unknown..
Joshua: Hope? Why hope? Make things happen => "Live every day as if it were your last, and dream so big as if you'll live for eternity".. Why would you need more time on earth if you go by this Motto?
Cellochic: I know that God is mercifull, I felt it during my lifetime why wouldn't it be the same at my death. I've wronged in my life, I'm not banned from sin, as any other person. God does not ask you not to sin as much as he asks of you to view the vice in what he prohibited and to learn from your mistakes and he will forgive you if your heart was pure. Purify your heart and salvation will be yours. Back to the same concept: Faith and Belief.
Sunshine: hehehe.. seriously speaking now I read in an article not so long ago that the majority of the contemporary males are mostly afraid of (yeah you'll laugh but it's a fact) getting bald.. Thank you for your statement: "This world is so cool, who would want to move on when what comes next might not be as exciting." It's another nice interpretation of reality. As usual, very realistic and down to earth. Cheers.
Thanks you guys for your comments..
Keep in Touch..
Sunshine: DaFwogg says you have a nice interpretation of reality. On what is your explaination based?(provided there is no realativity in truth.)
DaFwogg: I certainly believe that God is merciful, but that's not all He is. He's gracious. He doesn't just omit our sins, He gives us what we don't deserve - Heaven. I understand you most likely have a different opinion. You talk of being pure and purifying one's self. We must be pure to enter Heaven, but I believe the power to purify doesn't reside in man himself.
I would be absolutely terrified if God was only merciful, b/c that would mean that my current sins were forgiven, but my sinful nature before Him hadn't changed.
DISREGARD THAT (This will answer my question with less head banging.)
What do you believe about the nature of man?
Okay, I see what you mean. Your statement made me think that you were less excited about leaving this world.
I agree that this world's beauty and intricacy is amazing. When I've been on a mountain hike, or by the sea watching the sunset, I've thought to myself, "How can anyone possibly go up from this?"
Well.. I'll try to simplify as much as possible, so here it goes:
God, perfect as He is, is the creator of all the universe. If He could provide all those beautifull details in every aspect of the living, I believe that He can create what's even more interesting in the afterlife.
Another point to be taken: when God created mankind and set him upon this earth.. Life on this planet or in this universe was set to provide mankind with the means to believe in the greatness of God and to long for the better.. God has promissed us heaven as a reward to whom is worthy, he offered the universe to everyone (think about that).. Simply, I trust when my time comes and I'm worthy, I'll not look back upon this earth..
Concerning the nature of man, I believe it to be a bit of both.. Man is born with both instincts: the good and the bad equally.. With the progression of his life and the choices made by every individual, his personal nature bends towards a certain direction and differs from other individuals..
Erin: "He doesn't just omit our sins, He gives us what we don't deserve - Heaven.."
God is fair.. How do you interpret fairness, how can you interpret the fairness of God.. "God works in mysterious ways".. You know why? For the simple reason that a human being has been given a certain amount of logic that entitles him to reach certain verdicts and comprehend a certain amount of issues.. To make such a judgment as in God giving us what we don't deserve means that you are questioning God's fairness by refering to your personal human logic.. Now is that logical? :)
I'm a bit tired, and I'm sure I already bored you guys ;) so I guess I'll be satisfied with this amount for now..
Keep in Touch..
My grandparents are at a ripe old age, and getting riper by the day. They have been saved by Christ's perfect sacrifice from the condemnation of their sin. And yet, I know that my Grandpa still has anxieties in the valley of the shadow of death. It is human nature to lose assurance at times. Because he isn't a "good person." Christ was a good person for him and has been purifying him with His sanctifying power all through his 86 years.
But I have a great uncle (my Grandma's brother-in-law) who is so physically tied down with ailments that he is very tired of this world. Recently he struggled with the question, "Why hasn't God taken me home yet?" I think he wants to go more than anything else in this world. I wouldn't call that fear. I would call it a strange mixture of faith and frustration.
Bodies decay with age, that's the bitter reality..
Another reason why I would like to move on to the afterlife in case I had the chance to live long enough..
Thanks Bekah for your comment.. And yeah I do believe that for now, as we all are at an early age, we do tend to live forever for the energie we store seems endless.. However, the older you get the lesser that energie the bigger the frustration..
I am afraid of getting old.. I admit that.. Far more afraid of it then dying..
Keep in Touch..
When you die, i promise i'll tell people that you "died"
"I still dwell in the land of the dying, but I am going to the land of the living."
~John Newton~
That's one of my favorite quotes. Your post reminded me of it.
Death is the gate to the land of the LIVING! I'll admit the process of dying does scare me a bit at times though.
There are people who are afraid, i'm with you on that, but others like me dont use it because they are scared but because its an ugly word...why not change something negative to positive with a few words? Everything has its reasons as i always say, a person who passed away recieved his/her calling. Change ugly to beauty and acceptance.
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