What's the pupose behind living?
Why is each person braught into this world, given a different soul, a different body, a different mind and is set upon this earth?
"God has created mankind to worship him."
Does God really need to create beings to worship him?
What are the traits of worship?
Why are so many pleasures presented in life? Why are the most pleasurable ones considered sins?
Why battling so many obstacles? Why are they forbidden in the first place?
Various multiple differenciated questions arise from this issue. Mankind has been trying endlessly to find answers to those unsolved riddles.
So I ask you this fellow readers:
"What's your purpose in life? What does present the hardest challenge in your life? What binds you and what's your relief to that dilemma?"
Share the joys and chagrins in your life.
Post your comments.
First of all I would like to thank both of you for your comments.. They were very insightfull and directing..
Even tough they seemed extremely opposed point of views, I saw a very big resemblance in boths opinions.. I'll further explain why later on in my next post..
However, to make things clear: I'm not taking sides right now, and I won't reveal towards which angle I will take this discussion.
I just stated the various questions any man would, when faced with the subject of life and it's purposes, in order to get out some ideas about how people of our generation of different cultures view these points and open a discussion which might lead to helping each other out troughout our journeys..
I thank you both again, and hope of others to give in their opinions upon this subject as faithfully as you two did.
Thank you.
Keep in touch.
Have you read any books by John Piper? He has some profound things to say on the purpose of life...and I mean PROFOUND!
"Don't waste your life" and "When I don't desire God, how to fight for joy." are just a couple of his books. He explains the "worship thing" quite well!
That's all I have time to say for right now....
thought provoking post...thanks.
Everyone is religious. Everyone serves someone or something. Sorry, that is the most condensed opinion I've posted in a long time, but I'm off to a symphony audition...later.
Hey there Anonymous,
I would've wished to know whom are you to congratulate you on what you said.. Seriously, brief but satisfactory and straight to the point..
However, I'm afraid that somehow it's a bit drifting from the main point of which I'm coming from..
For, you see, it's about life's purpose and the reasons behind our existance.. As much as it's correlated to what you said but it's not related directly to it, for I haven't gotten my answer from you about your purpose in life and how do you view life's fairness and keep up with it..
I hope to hear from you soon again..
Thank you Sunshine for clearing things up with Al.. And Al, i hope you didn't take it personally..
Actually, for that matter, I would like to take a moment here to remind everyone that this is a free speech podium where anyone can say anything and just reveal his beliefs; so please do not be intimidated and please do not hold back and please try to open up to one another no matter how differing your opinions are.. After all, that's why I post these sensitive subjects, to try to find a better way by helping each other out trough life's dilemmas.
Thank you all,
Keep in Touch..
I'm sorry. I often get more carried away with the comments to a post than the post sometimes...in this case I was countering what Al said about not being religious.
It's the quick way to comment when someone's yelling at me to get off. :)
Cool a chat room,
Can I join in with you guys.. Hehehe..
Well Cellononymous, it has been you all along.. Ha Haha Haha.. (and lightning bolts flash behind me as I laughed that evil laugh)..
Sorry for that you guys.. I just woke up in a nice mood today and I feel like being.. tam tam tam taaaaaaaaaa.. NAUGHTY..
Well well well, what do we have here..
Q: Why do I have this feeling that a couple of bloggers over here have a thing going on? Huh, am I right? ;)
Anyway, keep up the words coming.. and Dima, everyone, anyone, what's your purpose in life? Bouhouhou.. I guess you guys are more interested in the religious aspect of the subject than the original subject itself.. Hehehe..
Anyways, thanks for your posts..
Keep in Touch..
No, Fwogg, you are not right...that is, unless Kristi as the only other girl on this site (that I am aware of) hasn't told me something. :)
I'm on guy blogs b/c they usually have more thought probing posts than the average girl post. (Don't get me wrong, some of my friends are great girl bloggers.)
No actually I did mean you cello-chic, but it's just a feeling judging from a ceratain blogger's attitude towards you and yours towards him.. I would've never made any assumptions just judging trough you looging in to other guy bloggers' web-pages.. (that would've been too dull)
As for whom I mean, well it's up to the guy to reaveal himself if he wanted to, just as you did :)
But anyway, I appoliogise if I was rude by what I concluded or if I offended any of you guys.. But hey, I meant good :)
Take care..
Keep in Touch..
Haha. If you're talking about Jordan...no. In person we can't stand eachother...or at least that was what is was like several years ago. I'm chillin' for someone else. Just thought I'd clear it for both Jordan and myself. lol
Cellononymous is back and chillin..
I wish u the best with ur frosted chill-pal.. But don't go freezing on us tough :)
Best wishes..
Keep in Touch..
I'm sorry if I came off as cold to Jordan or put words in his mouth.
I won't freeze on you guys as long as there's a good piece writing and intriguing comments!
Thanks for all that Erin..
Actually I didn't mean for it to sound serious, I was trying to joke around with icy words.. :)
But thanks anyways..
Keep in Touch..
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