Monday, April 25, 2005

Da Fwogg's "Woman's Equal Rights"

First of all, I would like to thank everybody who contributed by their comments. Each of your comments did, in fact, remind me of certain corresponding ideas about the subject of equality, which I was grateful for.

Now, about my point of view concerning the subject, I would like to make it clear to everyone that I, myself, am not clear upon this subject and that's why I asked you people, out there, to help me trough your opinions. But one thing that made me open it up and give in my personal opinion about the subject is the fact that I feel nobody, even leading women, is clear upon this subject.

So basically, my answer towards what defines "Women Equal Rights" is the following:

First of all, I provide you with the following question: Why is there a woman and a man? In your religious, social, traditional, or individual opinion, what does define a woman? (In another way, what does define a man? But that's a different issue).
My answer to this is simple: Nothing defines a person. Male or female, a person defines himself individually.

Coming from that point, I believe that this is the main dilemma, which causes the difference in opinions concerning the equality rights between the sexes. For, a man is not even equal to other men, and a woman is not equal to other women. Each has his responsibilities and duties in society, and each responsibility provides a certain right. Cause and effect, as anything in life is bounded by this rule.

Now forget about individualism and let’s discuss the subject generally. In my opinion, the general idea of a woman is divided in 2 main categories: working individuals and house-wives.

Now a lot of debates arise amongst men and women around the world mainly towards the rights of the house-wife more than it occurs in households where couples share the burden of work and financial expenses. Coming from a similar background, I think my main interest from the whole subject is this issue in hand.

What is a house-wife? How do you perceive a woman with no official job?

Well, I think that a house-wife is the holder of the most important job assigned to her by God, himself. She’s the wife, the mother, the caretaker and the support to the basis of any household. Now if you want to add in a job to that, what would it make her? Probably a saint. Think back to your mother, what did she give in and what did she receive in return? Judge other women by that same standard in mind.

So what do you think is fit for that woman to balance the equation? What could you provide women of your society to give back what you feel is right?

I believe that the right of every woman is not to be stated in any regulation book, but it should be taught as an essential part of every household. It should be written in your conscience for it can be the caretaker of anything in need.

I do not believe in any of those ideologies, those charlatan ideologies, made by men or women, to “protect” womankind. For all I see coming from those rules is the destruction of households, the struggle for power and control. These ideas, which are taught and enforced in the minds of women and men today, are nothing but a war ideology to prevent happiness, where words are the ammo and defense is a must from built up imaginative ideas generalized for certain financial or materialistic purposes.

Finally, I reinstate the fact which I already did in my first paragraph: I believe in respect and any kind of ideology originating from that simple fact.

Women and men of the world, wake up to your reality. Don’t be followers, be your own leaders and directors. Just let go of those bounds, open up your heart and see in front of you: you shall be guided by it. Do not be bounded by an ideology so degraded to degrade respect itself.

Respect yourself first and you shall be respected as a human being.


DaFwogg (OmaReina) said...

Hahaha.. Well so brief, but thanks for your comment.
But I never really got whether or not you agree or disagree. It's like eating a lovely popsicle with no juice flavor.
Kepp in touch.

CelloChic said...

I agree with some of what you have written. Can you give some examples where protecting women has prevented happiness and produced imaginary ideas? I for one am very thankful for occasional protection... When my friend and I were being tailgated we wished we had guys with us, if only for the dimension of stability.
It's funny, sometimes guys like to be overly chivalrous. Some college age guys from church asked to take us to an old deserted area of the city I live in where there's a lake, and supposedly a boyscout camp was murdered. They want to take us there (to danger) so they can protect us. lol.

DaFwogg (OmaReina) said...

Hey there Cello Chic :)Thanks for the lovely comments.
But I did not understand to which part of my post you're refering to. If you meant my objection towards the rules and regulations stated to protect woman, well all I have to say about that is that I know many examples of women who did in fact get married giving the impression of love and care, and revealed their true intentions by divorcing and running men into a point of banckrupcy. I can also give you the example that a big number of woman tend to get married to wealthy men just for the fact that they can afford buying them expensive gifts. I can give you the example of woman luring men and later on taking them to court in charges of abuse just to get financial gains and ruining a man's life and reputation. I can give you the example of cunning woman whom start fights amongst brothers just to get self satisfaction of gaining her Knight, battling even his closest kins to get to her at the top of her imaginative tower. I can give you many examples of flaws in the rules and regulations where it favors a woman upon a man and leads to the ideology that a woman is to be a part of a war raging amonst the sexes. Those types of rules and ideas are the ones that I'm refering to.
But as for men feeling the need to protect woman as in volunteer behavior, well that has got the respect factor written all over it. It's something I favor and wish upon all men to regain those kind of nobel traits.
I hope my explanation was satisfactory and most importantly clearing the ideas which you were inquiring about. I would be glad to explain further more in case you wished that.
Thanks again for your comments.
Keep in touch.

DaFwogg (OmaReina) said...

No offence taken,
I hope that my future subject proposals would be more chalenging and in hopes that you would have something to say about them.
Thank you.
Keep in touch.

Crystal said...

I had to laugh at this whole discussion because the older I have gotten the more I have come to respect the male need to be a caretaker of woman. I think it's just like woman who often automatically know what to do when a baby cries or a little child who is a stanger falls and scraps it's knee in their presence. As a teenager I was very independent, an only child, a girl at that, who loved to do "guy stuff", hard farm work, work on engines, etc. I could open my own door thank you very much and don't even think of asking me if I need help because if I do I will ask for it! I worked with lots of guys and we had a great time, I wasn't completly unlikeable, but I hope you get the idea. The funny thing was that I could never quite figure out why the only guys that were ever attracted to me were those sniveling ones who needed a mommy.
As the years have gone on I have been placed in some pretty dire situations where I had learn to ask for help and more importantly to accept it. I have really come to see my failings in this area. Does that mean that I don't still like cars, that I don't still know how to work hard and am more than happy to pitch in right next to the guys whenever possible? Does that mean I don't know how to change my own flat tire or use my own jumper cables? Definetly not but my attitude is different now. I can do it all if the need arrises and being single I have plenty of opportunities to do my own thing but I don't do it now to be one up on the boys. I do it because I like it and because I know I need to be independant. I have learned that sometimes while I want to help, the men in my life need me to stay out of the way and let them take care of me. I want to be ready and able to help when I can but I have learned to be a willing tool rather than the driving force in many cases. From my experience guys respect you when you know how to use basic tools and or how to take care of yourself but they don't really respect it when you feel the need to lord it over them. Sometimes I can still feel myself slide in that direction but I am coming along...a work in progress!
I have to say that some of my awareness came through reading a book called "The proper care and feeding of husbands" by Dr. Laura. I know it sounds funny that I would read this book considering I am not married or even considering marriage but it was loaned to me by a friend and I am so glad I read it. I learned so much from it and it has even helped me in relating to my male co-workers in ways I never even imagined. I have learned to wait, let the guys actually think up a few things on their own...they might not do it as fast as I would or from the same prespective but I have been pleasently surprised at the intelligence level displayed by various men when I actually let them think and explore ideas on their own rather than insist it be done my way, the fastest on the draw!
By the way motherhood is definetlly the more important profession ever and by it history is affected. Thanks for putting that out there but it seems to be almost totally forgotten in our current age.
Sorry this was much longer than I intended...hope you don't mind.

DaFwogg (OmaReina) said...

No Crystal,
Didn't mind that at all.. Actually, I liked what you have said and hope to hear from you more often..
As for your statement about dealing with guys: "they might not do it as fast as I would or from the same prespective but I have been pleasently surprised at the intelligence level displayed.." It shows lots of maturity and respect and appreciation of the differences between the sexes, which is what's missing from boths sides of the male-female relations now-a-days.. So I say carry on, and good luck in case you decided later on to go onto and serious relationship or marriage.. You'll make a lovely wife, I'm positive..
And Nick, try to be more careful of being over-protective of your sisters.. The older they get, the more which started out as a way of affection and care transforms into a pain in the a.. for both you and your sisters.. It's nice to care, but not nice to interfere.. As your mom said "relax and let her explore" just let her know that when she needs help you'll be there for her, that's all it takes.. (that goes on with any kind of relationship, sister/brother, son/daughter, friend, bf/gf.. "If you love someone, set him/her free" if they love you back they'll always come back to you and never attepmt to leave you)
Take care..
Keep in Touch..

Crystal said...

"You'll make a lovely wife, I'm positive..." That was an unexpected comment but I do thank you. I can only hope that should that opportunity be in my future that I will live up to your statement. In the mean time I mean to be the best friend I can be to all the guys I know and hope they feel that I am using my feminity to support them rather than compete with them.
I am far from perfect but I am really starting to enjoy the differences so that makes things much more fun. I used to see it as something to be competed with or ignored but now I can see the beauty so much more. Still have some bad habits to overcome but I am trying. Definetly a work in progress!
It's pretty funny when I think about my past attitudes and realize how awful I must have seemed sometimes. I sometimes wish I could all the guys I ever tried to lord over in one room so I could appologize once and just get it over with! For me its not always big things but sometimes just in little things like even letting them open the door to a car, pump my gas, loan me money or buy me something silly. I used to not be able to accept anything but now I see how important those little things of trust and respect are to even just a pure friendship. It's not because I can't do it or because they are trying to belittle me, it's because they care, are showing respect and are just being nice. Imagine that! LOL
I'll stop now...
Really this whole issue is an exciting one to me because several years of experiences and failures and triumphs have all started coming to together for me in the last little while and I am so thankful. It makes life so much easier and so much more fun when you can give and take and aren't always on guard for fear of being thought weak. I think it has to do with a healthy dose of self awareness of my sometimes glaring weaknesses and I am thankful to God everyday for the experiences that have helped me see those weaknesses.